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There are several ways of payment in DIOPTA retail stores:

  1. Cash
  2. Citizen bank checks
  3. Credit card
  4. Administrative ban

In case you decide to make your payment via bank checks, you can do that in 5 (five) monthly installments. The first installment is going to be processed at the moment of purchase and the next four in 30 days intervals (each of them in 30 days).

Owners of credit cards of The Banca Intesa bank are allowed to make their check payments in 6 (six) monthly installments.

Pensioners are allowed to make a payment in 6 (six) monthly installments via administrative ban with the PDI Fund (Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of Serbia).

In case you work in a company that has signed The Administrative ban Contract with DIOPTA – you are allowed to make a payment in 5 (five) monthly installments.
You can get all the information about making such contract with DIOPTA by making a phone call (+381113538870) or sending an email ( office@diopta.rs ).